5th Grade Spelling Words - Spelling List #17

List 17
Word Practice Sentence Type
human We are human beings. Basic
lack They lack the money to invest. Basic
future The future looks bright for you. Basic
bushes My dad dug up two bushes in our yard. Basic
garbage The garbage started to stink. Basic
been It's been five years since I've seen my friend. Basic
higher The airplane went higher and higher. Basic
house Our new house is far from the mall. Basic
mailbox My mailbox is full now. Basic
better We'd better get home before dark. Basic
students The students brainstormed for hours. Basic
person One person can make a difference. Basic
tired We got tired after running five miles. Basic
beyond There is an ice rink beyond those trees. Basic
propaganda They dropped propaganda from airplanes. Challenge
established We established new rules that were more fair. Challenge
education The education we receive is top notch. Challenge
honeycomb There is some honeycomb in the honey jar. Challenge

Fifth Grade Spelling Lists