6th Grade Spelling Words - Sixth Grade Spelling List 11

List 11
Word Practice Sentence Type
delayed Our train has been delayed. Basic
compound Can you explain compound interest? Basic
lobster I chose to have a lobster for dinner. Basic
respect It's better if everyone shows respect. Basic
window The window was left open. Basic
igloo The igloo was made of snow. Basic
standard This is the standard paperwork. Basic
friends My friends will meet me before school. Basic
sherbet I like orange sherbet. Basic
wonton Do you like wonton soup? Basic
leaders The leaders discussed many items. Basic
service The service at this restaurant is excellent. Basic
antelope The antelope evaded the lions. Basic
adjusted We've adjusted the waistband on your pants. Basic
before I wish I had arrived before everyone else. Basic
apparently This is apparently the first time you've gone swimming. Challenge
roller coaster I will ride the largest roller coaster. Challenge
misguided It seems that she's been misguided. Challenge
bronchitis I had bronchitis last fall. Challenge
harmonious The group worked in a harmonious way. Challenge

Sixth Grade Spelling Lists