6th Grade Spelling Words - Sixth Grade Spelling List 21

List 21
Word Practice Sentence Type
month My school starts in the month of August. Basic
rest Get some rest before the big trip. Basic
solution I finally figured out the solution to the complex math problem. Basic
something I knew something was missing. Basic
below We went below to take a look at the boat's cabin. Basic
curlicue A curlicue is a fancy twist or curl. Basic
ambulance The ambulance arrived just in time. Basic
judged He was judged harshly by the other students. Basic
little The little fish swam away quickly. Basic
analysis Our expert analysis reveals an opening in the market. Basic
reason This is the reason we left early. Basic
relax This warm blanket will help you relax. Basic
recess My brother can't wait for recess. Basic
lay Let's lay down in the grass. Basic
roommate I will have a roommate in college. Basic
amusing This game is very amusing. Challenge
enormous There was an enormous elephant on television this morning. Challenge
helicopter I got to ride in a helicopter. Challenge
foundation The foundation was cracked and old. Challenge
exercising She is exercising nearly every day. Challenge

Sixth Grade Spelling Lists